Week 5 - #2

Above I have shown the progress I made with digitally making my custom manuscript font. If you had told me at the beginning of the program that I would get close to making my own font I would be shocked and so I am proud with how far I have gotten.

However, upon further research into illuminated manuscripts I found a pre-existing font that has become the norm for modern designers and artists to use when making recreations of medieval manuscripts, the “1454 Gutenberg Bibel” font.

Ultimately, I decided to use this font to be authentic and because it offered a sense of uniformity of the text that my hand-written font was lacking. Below is an example of the font.

Once I had the font picked out I played with the alignment for a while. I wanted neat edges as all manuscripts do but I wanted to avoid using hyphenates because I felt it chopped up the story too much. I also made sure the text surrounding the title case letters weren’t too spaced out so I made them left aligned.